Your car’s ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System) is very important for keeping you safe and sound on busy roads. This system is specially designed to keep your brakes from completely locking so your car won’t start skidding out of control. Most modern new vehicles are fitted with this unique braking system which is helpful for preventing thousands, if not millions, of road accidents each and every year.
It is important to get your ABS inspected on a regular basis to ensure that it is still in good working condition. In most cases, this part of your car’s braking system is inspected and maintained when your vehicle is taken to be serviced. These systems do, however, sometimes fail prematurely. Here is a quick look at the top signs that your car’s ABS might be failing.
The Abs Warning Light Is Glowing
The glow of your ABS warning light on the dashboard is the most obvious sign that something is off. A lot of car owners make a huge mistake by ignoring these lights. This warning light is designed to come on for a few seconds just after igniting your engine and should then turn off. If it keeps glowing or suddenly switches on while driving then there could be a problem.
The first thing you need to do is stop and switch off the car engine completely to see if the car just needed a reboot. If the light turns on again then it is time to call your local mechanic.
It is important to get your car checked even though the ABS and brakes might seem to be functioning because only certain parts like the stability control or traction control might be disabled while the rest might still be functioning.
The Brakes Lock Up
ABS is designed to keep the brakes or wheels from locking up when you hit the brakes too hard. You should experience jerky movements as the brakes lock and unlock if you suddenly brake too soon or if your car starts skidding on some loose dirt on the road.
If your car starts to skid without the brakes fastening and loosening up then there is likely a problem.
The Abs Kicks In With Normal Braking
Your ABS is only supposed to kick in if your car starts to skid, or slide or if you suddenly hit the brakes too hard. But if this system kicks in even when you brake gently then there is also some type of failure.
Unresponsive Brake Pedal
As your brake pads become worn out, your brake pedal might slowly become more and more unresponsive. If you find yourself pressing down multiple times for the brake to work or before the ABS kicks in then it is a clear sign that your car needs to be serviced although something else could also be wrong.
Changes Pedal Pressure
You should be able to press down on the brakes with relative ease. With that said, your brake pedal shouldn’t drop all the way down the moment you press down on it. Changes in your brake pedal pressure can be a sign of a problem with your ABS or the brake components themselves. It can also be very dangerous to keep driving your car when you notice that there is something wrong with the pedal pressure.
If you notice any of these signs of failure then the best thing you can do is give A-Plus Auto and Electrical a call. These professionals can check out your system for you and they can do all the needed repairs. With their help, you will be a lot safer while traveling on various terrains and roads.